About NutritionRx

NutritonRx takes a curated approach to medical weight management and disordered Eating

NutritionRx is a concierge private practice that transcends traditional diet approaches to offer a bespoke, evidence-based journey towards sustainable eating and weight management.

AlexisRD stands out as an innovative Advanced Practice Nutritionist specializing in the field of Medical Obesity, working in tandem with leading obesity physicians in Boston to manage and treat the condition.

Recognizing the unique nature of each individual, Alexis develops personalized nutrition prescriptions (NRx) that respect your lifestyle, challenges, and goals, ensuring a non-deprivational path to wellness.

The Four Step Process

  • Assessment

    A deep dive into your metabolic, emotional, and physiological landscape, acknowledging the uniqueness of your body and its needs.

  • Curation

    Crafting a tailored NRx that confronts your specific challenges and aligns with your life, paving the way for meaningful change.

  • Treatment

    Engage in a one-on-one partnership with AlexisRD, combining Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) with Ego State Based Therapy for a holistic healing experience.

  • Results

    Establish a sustainable, long-term weight management strategy. Overcome dieting fatigue and the cyclical nature of compulsive eating through a medically supported, evidence-based approach that fosters a healthy and productive connection with food.

Start your journey today.

Book a 15-minute, no-cost live call where a dietitian will answer any and all of your questions, assess if we're a good fit, and book your initial consultation with AlexisRD.

This is your opportunity to start your path to a more successful and fulfilling life.

Book a discovery call to get started with NutritionRx!